Sunday, August 12, 2007

Nice Support from a Nice Hostess

I was invited to a churrascaria,( Brazilian version of a barbecue) at a friends house here in Brazil. Lots and lots of meat. Salads, rice, beans and many other prepared foods are also offered.

Being a vegetarian and mostly raw/living food eater, the hostess was incredibly attentive. Normally I do not prearrange any food requirement, because there is always salad. Sometimes I also eat before going to an invited "food" type of party.

A beautiful platter of different cut up fruits was put in front of me. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me. The fruits were displayed so creatively. I also had a large glass of fresh orange juice. I really did not expect it, I was going to be fine with a salad. Later, I did have a salad.

It did make some people curious and I had some nice conversations about raw/living food.


Gina said...

Oh it sounds so wonderful!

Mélanie said...

Churrasceria is one of my favorite food , actually it is not food but a way of cooking .When I go to Mexico is my favorite place to go as there are some churrascaria restaurants where you eat incredible meats. Here in France , we don't find it.
Thank you for your kind comment.

Kristen's Raw said...

Ohhh, it all sounds fabulous!