Thursday, January 11, 2007

Avocado Kale salad with Cashew dressing

My favorite salad and dressing.

About 30 minutes before preparing, soak about 1/2 cup of raw cashews and 1 date with pit removed in water.

Cut the thick middle stem from about 5 or 6 leaves of kale. Chop fine in food processor with the S blade. Place kale in a bowl. Using your hand mix into the kale, olive oil and sea salt. Still using your hand, mash a ripe avocado into this.
When done some of this will stick to your hand and fingers, lick it off. Do not wash off, it is so good.
To this anything can be added. I love olives, cucumber, sundried tomatoes soaked and chopped.

Put the soaked cashews and date into blender. Add some of the soaked water, a small amount of orange juice, preferably fresh. Adding orange essential oil gives it a nice flavor too, but not necessary. Blend all this together to a creamy consistency. It is better not to add too much liquid in the beginning so it will not be too runny.

Pour onto the salad.

Truly is an amazing meal.


Anonymous said...

This sounds really tasty. Next time I grocery shop I'm going to pick up some kale and give this a try. Also, I'm portuguese and the stuff that we use in our traditional cuisine is actually collard greens. Very similar to kale, but more tender and not as bitter. Is this what you are using?

Anne said...

Hey Jessica, thanks for checking out my page. Your blog looks amazing, i love the pictures. Kale avo salad is my fav. winter salad as well. I'm saving you as a fav. keep up the creativity!

jessica said...

carmen...are you from brazil? they use couve here in brazil. it is translated as kale. that is what i use. it is smaller and lighter.