A great addition to the marinara sauce or by itself over zucchini pasta. Makes a great dip too!
blend 1/3 cup pine nuts 1/3 cup olive oil a good handful of basil 1 clove garlic water Increase or decrease ingredients according to desired taste and consistency.
zucchini slices: peel and cut zucchini in half lengthwise with slicer attached in food processor, put zucchini through. you should have half circles of thin sliced pieces.
marinara sauce: 1 cup sun dried tomatoes, soaked for one hour 2-3 tomatoes, cut in quarters basil 1/2 onion olive oil salt
blend in food processor, pulse it if you want it chunky.
pour over zucchini i also sprinkled pine nuts over it.
an easy, beautiful, delicious, light meal. went well with a glass of chilled white wine.
blend pink grapefruit, peeled cucumber, peeled cilantro, about one half handful lime juice, half pineapple, about two slices agave vanilla pinch of salt
I use orange since it is difficult to find grapefruit in Brazil. This makes a delicious smoothie.
Angela Stokes has been in the spotlight on the rawfood scene of late. I have been following her journey of her Juice Feast she has been doing for 92 days. Amazing. What discipline. I truly admire her. Do listen to her recent radio interview.